What I did

As part of my volunteering days I was involved in a charity hike up Snowdon in support of Sean’s Place, a men’s mental health charity in Liverpool. This was an activity I wanted to be involved in as Sean’s Place do some great work supporting mental health in Liverpool and I know people who have benefited from their support.

A brief overview of Sean’s Place work

Sean’s Place aim is to improve men’s mental health and well-being across Sefton and Liverpool City Region through support specifically identified to improve confidence and self-esteem for men whilst reducing symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety. They aim to challenge the stigma around male mental health, by providing a place that encourages positive discussions around mental health, in a non clinical, non judgemental setting.

Why it is important you get to use your volunteer days

The use of my volunteering days is important to me as it gives me the opportunity to contribute towards causes which are important to me and gives me the opportunity to contribute to the wider community. It is also key for me to work for an organisation which takes its social responsibility serious and recognises the value of these days to the wider business.