We have announced to our colleagues, customers and suppliers that Socitm Advisory will be changing its name to Civiteq

The full transition will take place on 3 February.

Why are we doing this? 

We’re a leading provider of ERP advisory & delivery, and digital & service transformation services in local and central government, and we want to remain a leader. 

Research told us that our name was confused with Socitm, the membership organisation, and no longer represented what we do. We want our brand to represent the modern, progressive company we are. 

Tony Summers, CEO at Socitm Advisory says, “We are excited for the journey we are on at Socitm Advisory to become Civiteq, which will launch in February. We are the same people, who will be delivering the same highly-regarded consultancy services into government, under a new name and exciting brand.” 

Socitm, the membership organisation, remains a shareholder in Socitm Advisory, which is unaffected by the name change to Civiteq. 

When is the name change happening?

Civiteq will officially launch on 3 February, and ahead of this we are planning a legal name change of our business to Civiteq on 22 January 2025. After the legal name change, we will write to customers and suppliers to confirm details.

If we are currently trading with you, you will receive change notices to align with any contractual agreements, soon after the legal name change on 22 January. We will continue to trade as Socitm Advisory until 22 January. And just to confirm, as Civiteq we are the same people, doing the same high-quality work, with a new name.

Further details

This page will be kept up to date with details of the rebrand until Civiteq launches on 3 February. You can visit the Civiteq website anytime at www.civiteq.co.uk.

If you would like to speak to someone about this, please contact Elaine Needham, Head of Marketing at elaine.needham@socitmadvisory.co.uk.