Our Services

We work across the sector, including for the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), for Regulators, and with registered providers across the UK.

Our team has direct expertise of operating at board, executive and delivery level within the sector.

Our team covers a wide range of services, including:

  • Icon representing servicesDigital strategy and development
  • Icon representing checkboxSystem specification and selection
  • Icon representing networkingEnterprise architecture
  • Icon representing filtering system optionsBusiness change management
  • Icon representing improvement with upwards facing arrowSystem reviews and improvement plans
  • Icon representing setting showing two cogsService and business process reviews
  • Icon representing four boxesImplementation management

Latest news and insights

Two people looking down in an office Managing successful change and transformation with our Mindset Model

Managing successful change and transformation with our Mindset Model

Our unique model for business change is based on firm psychology and neuroscience research. We will partner with you to truly understand what makes you unique, and will co-design your change journey with you. We…

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Stock photo of a new build semi-detached home. The home has parking space to the front and a red roof. Solihull Community Housing chooses Socitm Advisory to support business transformation 

Solihull Community Housing chooses Socitm Advisory to support business transformation 

Solihull Community Housing has appointed Socitm Advisory to support a major business transformation project to support the implementation of a new operating model and improve the experience of its customers.    Long-term vision Socitm Advisory will…

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What do our customers think?

"Many thanks. The report produced was highly persuasive and the fact it was never questioned or its conclusions challenged only reflects how strong it was."

Tim Madden
Folkestone & Hythe District Council

Some of the organisation we’ve worked with

Here are just a few of the organisations we’ve supported with a range of projects and programmes in housing.

  • Logo for B3 Living. Better Homes Communities Business.
  • Logo for Department for levelling up, housing & communities. UK central Government
  • Logo for connect housing. Logo shows an illustration of a house, with a sun setting and 3 people.
  • Logo for Haford organisation. Logo shows the word Haford in green text with a yellow roof above.
  • Logo for Housing Plus Group. Logo shows Housing Plus Group in blue text with an illustration of multi-coloured roofs above and a house to the right creating a street scene.
  • NIHE logo. The logo says Housing (in blue, bold text) and Executive (in grey, thinner text).

Want to learn more? Get in touch with our team