A shared desire to give something back to society

For any modern growing business, having an approach to the impact of climate change, supporting local communities, ensuring responsible business practices, and the creation of a quality working environment are all a core part of business strategy.

We understand the importance of social value to the world, particularly to the public sector. We have a direct responsibility to the communities in which we operate to maximise social value in terms of economic, social and environmental wellbeing.

Photo collage with an icon representing our social value commitment with a thumbs up. Photos from left to right showing two of our colleagues litter picking, a group of our colleagues at the Heart of England Forest supporting tree planting activities, and three of our colleagues supporting efforts to remove plastic from woodlands

Our future with social value

Social value is becoming increasingly more important in the markets we operate in, and we are committed to being market-leading in our approach to delivering the benefits back to our communities.

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Our social value policy

Our Social Value Policy is reviewed annually and reflects current legislation, best practice and approaches for delivering improved outcomes. By raising awareness of our policy and with support from our employees, customers, supply chain partners, and individuals and groups in our communities, we can continue to generate positive impact.

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Tailored requirements

We understand that not all market sectors have the same requirements. We deliver our social value to our customers on an individual basis, allowing us to understand our customer’s commitment as well as the market requirements. We have covered social value in the following sectors: local and central government, housing, health, utilities, and charities.

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Dedicated social value champion

We have appointed a dedicated Social Value Champion within our business who specialises in this area across the different markets and regions we serve, and manages social value delivery across all our contracts to ensure progress is being made and exceeded.

Want to learn more? Get in touch with our team